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686) Connor Settlemires 
Tennessee Location
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Tuesday, September 29, 2015 18:48 Write a comment Send E-mail

Hello, I am a 12 year old boy trying to find all of the patches and insignia from the different companies and groups my family served in. I am currently looking for information on my Great Uncle Charles Stoops. He was killed in a mine field in Luxembourg during the battle of the Bulge. Can anyone help me out with some information on his company. He served in B company of the 56th armored engineers. Thanks in advance for your time.
685) Keaton McCarthy 
Minneapolis, Minnesota Location
IP logged Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; Android 5.0; SM-G900V Build/LRX21T) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/44.0.2403.133 Mobile Safari/537.36
Tuesday, August 18, 2015 00:34 Write a comment Send E-mail

Looking for info on Frederick (Mac) F. McCarthy. 41st tank battalion, company D. Mac enlisted at the age of 16 or 17 (lied about his age). He was from New York and moved to Washington state after the war, then ended up in Wisconsin. He was good friends with Manley Boss (Florida) and they are the ones who wrote the diary on this page under OUR HISTORY -> THUNDERBOLT UNIT HISTORY ->41st Tank Battalion, Company D, Combat Diary. I believe he made his way up to a Tank Commander,but am not positive until I can confirm with my dad. I was Mac's first grandson and am from Madison, WI and currently live in Minneapolis, MN. I Was too young to discuss much about the war with my grandfather who passed away about a decade ago. My dad is knowledgeable about his father's war efforts, but I would like to hear more info / any stories anybody may have. Thank you

Fred n ciacelli Send E-mail Thursday, September 19, 2024 14:41
Is anybody still alive from 11th armored division World war II
684) Steve Coates 
England Location
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Friday, August 7, 2015 17:51 Write a comment Send E-mail

May I ask if a photo exists of either the Fi 156 (or indeed the pilot and his passenger) which landed at Cham during the evening of 23 April 1945 ? The pilot was a gentleman called Heinz Lex who was flying from Berlin to South Germany to rejoin his unit at Ainring.

I'd welcome hearing from anyone with anything on this incident.
683) Michael Margeotes 
PA Location
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Friday, July 24, 2015 08:00 Write a comment Send E-mail

Looking for info on how and where in Germany Ralph J. DePrisco was killed on March 29, 1945. He was in Company C, 42nd Tank Battalion, 11th Armored Division. Also looking for type of tank he was assigned to.
682) William Finical 
Natchitoches, Louisiana Location
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Saturday, July 11, 2015 10:45 Write a comment Send E-mail

To Joe Carey, son of Capt Carey of the 490th AFA.....several years ago,you posted a picture of you Dad and 3 Lts that you invited to dinner in New York while awaiting deployment to England from Camp Dix. The Lt on your Dads immediate left in the picture is Lt. John H Cunningham, KIA 5 Jan in the Battle of the Bulge. He is from a distinguished family from Natchitoches, Louisiana. His youngest son, Dr. Gary Cunningham(whom he never got to see)is the Past Chairman of the Dept of OB/Gyn, University of Texas, HSC-Dallas Texas. Gary is very interested in finding out as much as he can about his father. Thanks, Bill Finical, Natchitoches, LA
681) Darren Neely 
Maryland Location
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Thursday, June 25, 2015 11:12 Write a comment Send E-mail

Hi there- great website! I am looking for signal corps photos from WW2 to be used my multi-volume book set on us army photos from ww2. I know the 11th AD had their own divisional photographers in addition to guys from the signal corps companies. What happened to the official division photos?

680) John P Campora Jr 
Louisiana Location
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Monday, June 15, 2015 15:42 Write a comment Send E-mail

I am the son of a past president of the 11th Armored Division Association. I'm wondering if there are any other children of the association members that attended the annual conventions. Please feel free to contact me. I would like to discuss ways to honor these brave veterans, our fathers.
679) Michael Liebau 
Ft. Myers, FL Location
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Saturday, June 6, 2015 23:38 Write a comment Send E-mail

Hello. I'm looking for information on my grandfather Everett A. Clark. He was private first class in the 63rd Infantry Battalion, 11th Armored Division. He was killed in action on January 01, 1945 and is buried in Luxembourg American Cemetery. I am particularly interested in learning exactly how he was killed, but am also interested in communicating with soldiers that knew him. Thank you!
678) Wendy Holden 
United Kingdom Location
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Tuesday, April 28, 2015 04:07 Write a comment Send E-mail

I wanted to let your members know about my book, Born Survivors, published May 5 in the US and 18 other countries which tells the incredible story of three babies born in the Holocaust who were liberated at Mauthausen by the 11th Armored Division in May 1945. After surviving Auschwitz and seven months of slave labor under the murderous Nazi regime, their mothers who each weighed less than 70lbs gave birth to their 3lb babies over two weeks towards the end of the war. They would all have died where it not for the Thunderbolts. The book mentions Sgt Albert Kosiek, Major Harold Stacy and Medic LeRoy Petersohn among others. All three babies will be marking their 70th birthdays with me in the Austrian camp on May 9/10 and have given me their blessing, as have the families of the three servicemen. The North American book launch will be at the Illinois Holocaust Museum in Skokie, Illinois on Tuesday, May 19 at 6:30 PM. I shall be there to introduce these three incredible survivors. Tickets are available in advance from the museum on 847.967.4800 or via their website at I hope to see some of you there. Wendy Holden

Katherine Keena Send E-mail Thursday, August 27, 2015 10:29
I have put it on my Gooreads to read list. My grandfather, Robert G. Lowe, was in the 11th.
677) Heidi Lerner 
Palo Alto, CA Location
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Thursday, February 26, 2015 14:42 Write a comment Send E-mail

Hi, I was wondering if anyone has a copy of ht official register of the 11th Dvision or the 11th Division Assocition. If so, I would be very happy to have a copy faxed, scanned or e-mail to me. Please feel free to contact me if you do at Thank you, Heidi Lerner
My father's name is supposed to appear on it and I am very eager to see it.
676) dj 
IP logged Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; Android 4.4.2; Lenovo A7600-F Build/KOT49H) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0 Chrome/ Safari/537.36
Thursday, February 26, 2015 09:47 Write a comment Send E-mail

Does anyone remember my father-in-law Clyde Burgard. 11th Armored Division. He started at fort Polk in Louisiana. He did mapping. He mentioned once being in the group that opened the concentration camp. He may have been 41st recon squadron but that is just my guess from connecting a few readings.
Thank you for insight. He has been gone for several years and I hope to learn the story of his service. Thank you all for your service.
675) nick davis 
United States Location
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Tuesday, February 17, 2015 19:21 Write a comment Send E-mail

Association members,
i am writing a thesis on James J Menousek
a medic , any one please contact me on his awards of the purple heart and the 2 bronze stars he was awarded, thank you all for your service and time
god bless
674) Carol Farmer 
Michigian Location
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Monday, February 9, 2015 16:25 Write a comment Send E-mail

This is a correction on another message I left on 8/5/12. My grandfather Wilmer Farmer was transfer from tank div. to 5th div. reconnaissance. Enlisted around June/July 1944 and got out around feb 1945. Received Purple Heart and if re-inlisted would have received other Purple Heart. I have few picture of him in combat field with other solders and with there jeeps and guns in woods and in small town near old big wagon wheel next to a cottage like building.
673) KEN 
IP logged Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/40.0.2214.93 Safari/537.36
Tuesday, January 27, 2015 04:08 Write a comment Send E-mail

Still wondering if there is anybody out there that knew my Uncle Elwood (Elwood Frisby). He was in the 63rd battalion,company C. If you did know him, would appreciate talking with you. You can find his citation on the home page of this website.
Thank You

Amy Spiker Send E-mail Wednesday, April 1, 2015 21:41
Ken, my father is still living in Wyoming and he served at the same time in the 63rd AIB, Company C. He did not remember your uncle but he pulled out all of his paperwork and found information on your uncle. They did indeed serve together though my father didn't know him personally. Feel free to send an email if you want any information.

Ken Frisby Send E-mail Thursday, November 29, 2018 18:53
I'm sorry, I haven't looked at this part of the site in a long while. Any information you can share would be wonderful. Thank you for replying. My email is
672) Tommy Brightwell 
Mayodan NC Location
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Friday, January 9, 2015 23:56 Write a comment Send E-mail

I am looking for those who knew my father:
T/4 Lonnie B Brightwell
Company D 42nd Tank Batt

He came to Reunions until he died in 1996. Unfortunetly his files containing the names and addresses of his friends was lost. I would like to meet and talk to those who served with him or who served with his group.
671) Cynthia Locke Bownds 
Baton Rouge, Louisiana Location
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Monday, January 5, 2015 22:21 Write a comment Send E-mail

My father, John Childress Locke, was an interpreter in Company A, 56th Armored Engineer Battalion. If anyone has any information, it would be greatly appreciated.
670) Steve Butler 
Argyle, TX Location
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Saturday, January 3, 2015 03:01 Write a comment Send E-mail

(670) I'm looking for anyone who might have known my uncle John Butler. He was from Aurora, IL and went by "Jack". He was in Company C of 21st Armored Division. He died near Foy in early 1945.
669) Dawn Kridel 
Wooster Ohio Location
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Tuesday, December 30, 2014 10:28 Write a comment Send E-mail

My name is Dawn Kridel and my father Joseph Harold Lawecki served with the 11th armored division. He was from Toledo Ohio and stayed in Gmunden Austria after the war at a recreation center for 8 months. He talked about having dances twice a week at the center and putting on parties for the children. Also, the soldiers somehow decorated a Christmas tree and pulled it into Lake Traunsee. He passed on June 22nd 2010. Does anyone have pictures or remember hearing similar stories?
668) Timothy Fallon 
Hutchinson Minnesota Location
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Sunday, December 28, 2014 14:07 Write a comment Send E-mail

Hello I am researching my Uncle Richard Fallon, he was KIA on 1 Jan 1945. Uncle Richard was in the 11th Armored Division 42nd Armored Tank Battalion, Company D. He was a Private and a Gunner First Class according to what I have found so far. What I am looking for is were exactly was he killed (near what town or village). Who was his commander and what kind of tank is was assigned to. Any information will be greatly appreciated. Thanks for your time.

Pat Nichols Send E-mail Sunday, January 4, 2015 21:09
My name is Pat and my father was a tank commander in the same outfit. At the end of the war he received a map showing the route they had traveled. This also has some recorded dates as to where they were. Location #4 on the map is dated December 29,1944 - Belgium. #5 on the map is dated New Years Day is marked at the town of Bercheux. I have a photo of this map that is very easy to read, and I will email it to you if you send me your email address. my address
667) Glenn Riggs 
IP logged Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; MSIE 9.0; Windows NT 6.0; WOW64; Trident/5.0)
Saturday, December 27, 2014 06:18 Write a comment Send E-mail

My grandfather was Glenn E Riggs and I believe that he was a Capt in the 11th Armored Division. My grandfather died when I was young and never talked about his experiences in World War II with me. I do know that he was wounded in the Battle of the Bulge, but that is about all. I was wondering if anyone knew him and/or could confirm that he was indeed a Captain in this Division. Thank you for your time.

danny Send E-mail Sunday, April 17, 2022 16:44
I may have info.
666) george hatfield 
gainesville ga. Location
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Wednesday, December 17, 2014 20:02 Write a comment Send E-mail

i am asking if anyone remembers my dad he drove a half track was in the battle of the bulge,i lost my oldest brother who had a lot of info lost took to his grave, dads name was garland 'bill' hatfield, he had a guy on his crew name of dillio that he talked about.
665) John Mustarde 
Paris, Texas Location
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Sunday, December 14, 2014 21:40 Write a comment Send E-mail

Anyone with memoirs of serving with Robert Mustarde (Bob), or family familiar with my dad Bob, would be welcome contacts. Robert Mustarde served in the 41st Tank Batallion of the 11th Armored as a tank driver. He is mentioned once in the article on this website entitled "A-41st Tank Battalion" as the tank driver serving with "S/Sgt Decker of the second platoon", during the incident at the next small village shortly after his company passed thru Wehr.

I would like to know which command he served with (CCA, CCB or CCR)and his rank and platoon and anything else of small or large import. All I have is a few photos of him and some buddies in the few days after war's end before they were shipped home.

He served as the President of the 11th Armored association for 1991. He is listed as from San Antonio, but he never lived there; during most of his years in Texas he lived in Fort Worth, on the west side just off Camp Bowie Boulevard, a few yards from the former site of the big WWI Army facility called Camp Bowie.

Dan O'Brien Send E-mail Tuesday, December 16, 2014 19:13
Your dad did serve in Company A, 41st Tank Battalion. During combat, the 41TK was assigned to Combat Command A, under the command of General Willard Holbrook. I do not know his rank, but presume he was a sergeant.

Anthony Sterlacci Send E-mail Tuesday, August 2, 2016 11:29
Hi, my grandfather was Thomas Sterlacci. He was the driver for the company commander in company A of the 41st tank battalion. Perhaps they knew each other.
664) Mike Whoolery 
canonsburg pa Location
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Saturday, December 6, 2014 12:10 Write a comment Send E-mail

Does anyone remember my grandfather John Rasisnki from baltimore Md? He was with B co of the 21 armored infantry division. He passed away before I was born and would like to know more about his service during the war. Any info would be greatly appreciated and I can be reached by email. Thanks
663) Cory Jenks 
Tucson,AZ Location
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Monday, November 10, 2014 01:23 Write a comment Send E-mail

My grandfather, Burton Feldman, served in the 56th Armored Engineers, A Company from the Battle of the Bulge through the end of the war. He rarely discussed his time in the service, though we were very close and he opened up to me on a couple occasions regarding an incident where he was thrown from his half-track after hitting a mine. My grandfather passed away in 2009, but after recently searching through the company history as well as his Bronze Star citation and battlefield commission, my interest in his time spent in the service has rekindled. If there are any members who served with "Bert" that could provide any information on him or his his good friend, Robert "Bob" Brancaglione, who was KIA would be wonderful.
662) Nancy Marella 
United States Location
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Monday, November 3, 2014 11:35 Write a comment Send E-mail

My father, Walter J. Henneman served in the 11th Armored Division. He was a corporal.
He passed October 6, 1995. He talked about serving in the Battle of the Bulge. Does anyone remember him or served with him? I would love to hear about my father and stories of his time there. You can get in touch with me via e-mail. Thank you
661) Catherine McAllister Hedrick 
New Braunfel, TX Location
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Monday, October 20, 2014 11:16 Write a comment Send E-mail

Just researching my grandfather's (Woodson McAllister Sr.) military service with the 11th Armored. He is still spry as ever at 92 years young but hasn't been able to travel to the yearly reunion in a few years. Having these stories and history is important to honoring our vets and pass my grandfather's story on to his great-grandsons.
660) Daniel Pittman 
Florida Location
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Sunday, October 19, 2014 13:59 Write a comment Send E-mail

I'm trying to find out if anyone remembers my Grandfather, Edward Pittman. He was a member of the 21st Armored Infantry Battalion according to the site secretary, I do not know what company or platoon he served in, any information would be appreciated, thanks
659) Ailsa Sopko Tessier 
Raleigh, NC Location
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Wednesday, October 15, 2014 12:28 Write a comment Send E-mail

My dad was George Sopko from Taylor, PA (outside Scranton). He served in WWII in the 11th armored division, and was part of the group that liberated Mauthausen. I have several pictures he sent to my mother (then his sweetheart) with heartbreaking notes on the backs. I would be very interested to know if anyone recognizes his name and/or has a family member who served with him. Thank you.
658) Wendy Holden 
United Kingdom Location
IP logged Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_9_4) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/37.0.2062.120 Safari/537.36
Sunday, September 21, 2014 11:27 Write a comment Send E-mail

I am a British author who is writing a Holocaust memoir to be published next year. In the course of my research I have come across several members of your division, especially those who helped to save the life of three mothers and their babies in Mauthausen concentration camp at the end of the war. I have made contact with the families of the late LeRoy ‘Pete’ Petersohn and with Maj Harold Stacy but I would be interested in speaking to any veterans or their families who might be able to tell me anything they can recall about babies in the camp.
I am working closely with ‘babies’ Hana Berger-Moran, Eva Clarke, and Mark Olsky and their relatives but would be happy to hear more and especially to see any photographs your members may have.
I look forward to hearing from you. Sincerest thanks, Wendy Holden.

Bobby Taylor Send E-mail Tuesday, September 24, 2019 12:50
Hello Wendy, I recall my grandfather who served in the 11th Armored Div. telling me a story about how he came back into contact with someone whom he helped liberate at Mauthausen. I can't recall the exact details but would be happy to track them down if you need them. Hope the book is going well.
657) Heidi Lerner 
Palo Alto, CA Location
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Wednesday, September 10, 2014 13:05 Write a comment Send E-mail

LIke many of you I am trying to find anyone who served with my father in what I am certain was the 11th Armored Dviision. His name was Robert C. Goldberg from Sacramento, CA was a Private 1st Class, fought at the Battle of the Bulge and then was among the liberators of Mauthausen After the war was over he was a military govenor(?) in Gmunden. I have a box full of pictures some annotated and some not. If anyone has any connections or think they do please feel free to get in touch with me.

Justin Snow Send E-mail Saturday, September 16, 2017 16:34
My grandfather, Cpl Leo Guerrettaz, served as a tank gunner with the 55th armored infantry battalion. He was at the battle of the bulge and new the names of the men in a picture in a book I have that showed Mauthausen liberated. I would love to see a picture of my grandfather if you have one.

Sue Send E-mail Tuesday, February 28, 2023 12:31
My dad was with the 11th Armored Division at Battle of the Bulge and also helped to liberate Mauthausen. He was a liaison officer.
656) Pete Minix 
Indio, CA Location
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Tuesday, July 15, 2014 13:19 Write a comment Send E-mail

I have been collecting and documenting the history of our World War II Veterans since 1998. I currently have over 360 veterans from all branches and ranks, in my “private library”. I have always been interested in World War II and what better way to learn this is to talk to the men and women who lived it. It is my way of keeping their memories and stories alive.

For every World War II Veteran we loose, a piece of history is gone forever. I believe that it should be told to someone who is willing to take the time to document their story.

For the men and women, who served during World War II, they all have a great story to tell, whether they were in combat or sitting behind a desk. They answered the call to duty in a time when more the half the world was at war.

When it is my time to pass on, all this information will be placed in the General Patton Museum in Chiriaco Summit, CA so that future generations will know what these men and women went through. One day, all of our Veterans from World War II, will have passed on and so will their stories.

Peter Minix
Former Marine Sgt.
Indio, CA
655) Nadine Mardock 
New Braunfels, Texas Location
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Friday, May 9, 2014 21:04 Write a comment Send E-mail

My uncle was Fermon Elley KIA on March 18, 1945 in Germany.
654) Mark Rediger 
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Thursday, May 8, 2014 11:42 Write a comment Send E-mail

Hello. I am trying to find anyone who can tell me more about my grandfather, Howard W. Decker. He was a Lt. Col. and I believe he was ACOS for G-5. He died when I was young and I never really had an opprtunity to get to know him. Thank you

Justus Abele Send E-mail Monday, October 28, 2019 21:38
Hello. I am a History student, writing my final paper for grade 12. My grandfather was one of the Waffen-SS soldiers that surrendered to the 11th armoured division. I have an old travel warrant with your grandfathers signature and would appreciate if you have any documents from the time period.
653) Carol Bahr Grieb 
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Thursday, May 8, 2014 00:14 Write a comment Send E-mail

Can anyone please tell me anything about these former soldiers of the 11th Armored: Gerald Reith, Gerald Skipton, John Ward? I am trying to locate them or their families. Carol
652) Kerry J Byrne 
Quincy, Mass. Location
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Monday, May 5, 2014 16:36 Write a comment Send E-mail

My name is Kerry Byrne. I'm a reporter at The Boston Herald. This may or may not be a story. Right now, it's a personal quest.

I have a friend in Bamberg, Germany named Hanns Steinhorst. Hanns was a 5-year-old boy and an orphaned German refugee in May 1945, at the end of the war.

Days after the German surrender, he and his sister were trying to escape from the Russian sector north of the Danube River to the American sector on the other side of the bridge in Linz.

A Russian soldier grabbed little Hanns and tried to stop the children from crossing. An American soldier ran across the bridge to their rescue, pulled Hanns away from the Russian soldier, and dragged the children to freedom.

I believe that soldier might have been a member of the 11th Armored Division, which occupied Linz at this time.

Hanns' wife recently wrote a book about Hanns' experience as a refugee at the end of the war. He remains grateful for that American soldier to this day, and remains extremely fond of Americans.

It's a long longshot, and of course few WWII veterans unfortunately are still with us. But I'm wondering if a soldier from the 11th ever might have relayed this story, either on the website or to a family member. It seems a dramatic enough story that the soldier in question would have shared the tale.

I'm going to visit Hanns and his wife soon and would love to provide them some sort of information.

Thank you so much for any assistance you can provide.

Kerry J. Byrne
651) Dale Zanardelli 
IP logged Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; rv:22.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/22.0
Thursday, April 24, 2014 12:59 Write a comment Send E-mail

(651) I'm Sad to report the Passing of Past 11th Armored Division Association President Frank M. Stout. Frank also served on the Steering committee of the Legacy Group following Dissolution of the Association.

Frank Stout served in WWII with the 55AIB of the 11th Armored Division.

His Obituary is located here:
650) Georgia Parkhurst 
Richland Center, Wisconsin Location
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Wednesday, April 9, 2014 13:20 Write a comment Send E-mail

My father was Sgt. Joe Parkhurst. He served in 11th, A56th Engineers. He talked off and on about his experiences, sometimes with great difficulty. He had pictures of Mauthausen and always talked about this one experience as the worst of man's inhumanity to man. He was very proud of his military service, and flew the flag of the US every day of his life. He passed in 1993, and we still miss him to this day.

Dan O'Brien Send E-mail Friday, April 11, 2014 18:57
I remember your father, Joe Parkhurst very well. He was a good soldier, a good leader, and was well liked by all who served with him. You may be proud of his service, and the part he played in helping ot free Europe from Nazi tyranny.
649) Eric Haft 
IP logged Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; rv:27.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/27.0
Sunday, March 9, 2014 17:51 Write a comment Send E-mail

(649) My grandfather Sol Haft was in the 491st in the 11th armored. He passed away around 1992. I know almost nothing of his experience, as my father said he never talked about it. The only story I actually know is he said he once fell asleep in a barn, and when he woke up everything around him at been "shelled". He was so tired that he had slept through it.

Attached is a photo of a pin he had.

Feel free to reach out if you have a relative with the same story!

Barbara Davis Santoli Send E-mail Monday, May 26, 2014 12:23
My father Horace Davis was in the 491st and had a similar experience. He drove a Half Track and he and another soldier were separated from the battery and saw a barn that they were going to sleep in but decided to sleep under the Half Track. When they awoke the barn had been completely destroyed and they slept through it. He didnt speak much of his experiences mostly he talked of his fellow soldiers.

Eric Haft Send E-mail Sunday, January 9, 2022 18:11
I trying it’s totally possible this have been lost in translation a bit and these COULD be the same story, but I have no real way to confirm. Interesting though!
648) William J (Bill) Rice Sr 
Johnston City IL Location
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Wednesday, March 5, 2014 13:44 Write a comment Send E-mail

Great S Site!
Squad leader Sgt. Frank E. Learned from the Second platoon Was my Uncle, my Mother's brother, and was though missing but was helping a wounded cavalryman. Uncle Frank got the Silver Star and we didn't know it until after he had passed away. Is anyone still around remember him? Would like more
647) Robert Dunaway 
Seaford, DE Location
IP logged Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.3; WOW64; Trident/7.0; MDDCJS; rv:11.0) like Gecko
Saturday, March 1, 2014 21:19 Write a comment Send E-mail

I am trying to find some information on my Uncle, Lt. Robert Dunaway (I am named after him). He was killed in the Battle of the Bugle and he was the recipient of the Silver and Bronze Stars. He grew up in Alabama and attended Auburn. Please send me am e mail if you have any knowledge.

John D Coon, Lt Col, USAF, Retired Send E-mail Thursday, April 10, 2014 06:11
Hello. Please contact me at concerning your uncle. I live in Selma, Alabama and recently placed a picture of his grave here in Selma on a Find A Grave. A friend of mind writes for the local newspaper and is seeking information on your uncle. Thank you.
646) Joshua Richardson 
Hopkinsville, ky Location
IP logged Mozilla/5.0 (iPad; CPU OS 5_1_1 like Mac OS X) AppleWebKit/534.46 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.1 Mobile/9B206 Safari/7534.48.3
Wednesday, February 26, 2014 23:48 Write a comment Send E-mail

My grandfather, Owen S. Stamper, passed away Tuesday evening. He was a part of the crew for a Howitzer mobile tracked artillery named the Wabash Cannonball. He served with the 490th AFA. He will be laid to rest on Saturday near Danville, IN.
645) Evelyn Gould 
New York Location
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Thursday, February 20, 2014 12:31 Write a comment Send E-mail

I am the proud niece of Leonard Dricks. Reading the articles and the stories I've heard are striking. I comment your efforts.
644) Marilyn Gill 
Amarillo, Texas Location
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Monday, February 17, 2014 16:40 Write a comment Send E-mail

My father was Capt. Dale Abel from Liberal, Kansas. I was wondering if anyone would remember serving with him in the 11th division.

This website is so wonderful and I would love to find more information about where he spent so much time.
My father passed away in May of 1966.
643) Peter 
NYC Location
IP logged Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; rv:27.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/27.0
Thursday, February 6, 2014 15:30 Write a comment Send E-mail

I'd love the chance to talk to anyone who knew my Grandfather (deceased), Milton "Sonny" Berger, who was a Radio Operator with the 11th.

Jessi McKenna Send E-mail Monday, December 8, 2014 12:34
My grandfather was a radio operator also. He and his brother were in the 575th of the 11th armored. I can ask him the next time I'm over.
AIKEN SC Location
IP logged Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/32.0.1700.76 Safari/537.36
Wednesday, January 29, 2014 20:36 Write a comment Send E-mail

641) Pamela Magee Rettele 
Topeka, KS Location
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Sunday, January 26, 2014 11:27 Write a comment Send E-mail

(641) I am the daughter of S Sgt Lois W. Magee. He was in 11th Armored Div, but I do not know what company. I think A. He was from Snyder, OK, he was married to Allene, and had 6 sisters. I have some information, but need so much more. My brother and I had a great father and want to archive a scrapbook in his memory for his grand children that he never knew. He died in 1985. Lost 3 tanks, 2 purple hearts.
640) Barbara Davidson Norkus 
Northern Virginia Location
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Thursday, January 2, 2014 12:24 Write a comment Send E-mail

My Dad, Edsel A. Davidson, probably known as Ed or Dave to his Army friends passed away in 2002 but left a legacy of photos from WWII. I would like to scan them and share them with this website. Can someone email me and left me know if you want them and where they should be sent. Thanks.

dz Send E-mail Thursday, January 2, 2014 14:45
webmaster has replied to this posting
639) Gilbert Figueroa 
Arizona Location
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Wednesday, January 1, 2014 22:41 Write a comment Send E-mail

My grandfather Gilbert Figueroa was a member of the 11th, serving as Sargent.
638) Patricia Covello 
New York Location
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Monday, November 11, 2013 09:17 Write a comment Send E-mail

My 90 yr old Aunt was rescued by an American soldier, from US Army's 11th Armored Division, from a concentration camp, Mauthausen, in May 1945 and her last wish is to find one of these rescurers and have the chance to thank them. Please email me at thank you.
637) Peter M. Yablonski, MSgt. USAF Ret. 
Lancaster, CA Location
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Tuesday, November 5, 2013 20:08 Write a comment Send E-mail

Do you know this man? Warren Oshold.
636) Tim Scott 
Charleston Arkansas Location
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Friday, October 25, 2013 22:01 Write a comment Send E-mail

My father Carleton Howard Scott of Saint Paris Ohio passed away on Friday October 18th 2013 at the age of 93 he was lead drive for the 11th armored Division head quarters he will be missed thank you
635) Bruce Boyer 
San Fernando CA USA Location
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Thursday, October 24, 2013 20:48 Write a comment Send E-mail

Thank you for putting this up. We play Flames of War WWII Mminiatures game. We have been recreating the battles of Eastern France/Belgium Battle of the Bulge 1944. I have been running ints from the 11th Armd Div and I have enjoyed finding out all the historical facts.
634) Harry A. Palmer Jr. 
IP logged Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 5.1) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/29.0.1547.76 Safari/537.36
Sunday, September 22, 2013 13:31 Write a comment Send E-mail

Subject: 11th. Armored division.

Enjoyed your web site. My dad, Harry A. Palmer, was 11th. Armored 42nd. Tank. He was wounded at Neufchateau Belgium in December 44. Died in 1959. Would like to find any info. on him, pictures, written info. etc. that you or anyone may have. Have gained a lot of info from various sites, including company B training pictures, history, etc.
633) Dan Dempsey 
Missouri Location
IP logged Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 5.1; rv:22.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/22.0
Thursday, August 15, 2013 08:25 Write a comment Send E-mail

would like to correspond with relatives of Donald Pociopa 42nd Tank Bn KIA 1 Jan 45.
He was my fathers best friend.
632) Kelly Campbell 
IP logged Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; MSIE 10.0; Windows NT 6.2; WOW64; Trident/6.0; MDDCJS)
Monday, July 22, 2013 14:45 Write a comment Send E-mail

My uncle George Hutto served in the 11th Armored. I believe, but am not sure, but I believe that he was in the 41st reconnaissance squadron. Kurt Fasching below mentions he has photos. Mr. Fasching, if you could contact me I would appreciate it.
631) Daniel O'Brien 
Wenatchee WA Location
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Monday, July 8, 2013 17:11 Write a comment Send E-mail

I have been advised that
William F. (Bill) Fee A55AIB passed away on June 25, 2013 at San Diego, CA. He was a good soldier, and long time member of the 11th Armored Division Association. His retrospective combat diary "With the Eleventh Armored Division in the Battle of the Bulge is posted in the "Our History" pages of the 11ADA web site.
630) Ken Brack 
Plympton, Ma. Location
IP logged Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_6_8) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/27.0.1453.116 Safari/537.36
Monday, July 8, 2013 17:01 Write a comment Send E-mail

Veterans and relatives of 11th Armored Division members,

I am a writer researching the role of two troops (D and A) of the 41st Cavalry Reconnaissance Squadron Mechanized, who liberated the Mauthausen and Gusen concentration camps in May of 1945.

I have a partial list of these troop veterans and am first trying to confirm and compile the members, and contact their relatives and those few surviving. My goal is to tell their stories, focusing mostly on their experience liberating the camps, in a fitting tribute.

Accounts of these experiences whether oral histories, memoirs, letters, news articles, or remembrances from family members would be invaluable. I'd be most grateful for any help or tips in this regard.

Currently I am in contact with (Sgt.) Harry Saunders of Port Angeles, WA, and have names of 9 other members of Troop D. I'm hoping to reach a relative of Staff Sgt. Albert J. Kosiek, of Chicago.

For Troop A, my starting point and main person of interest is Andrew Ferrara (would to confirm his role), of Hackensack, NJ. I have names of about 7 other members. Is there anyone with knowledge of Mr. Ferrara and others who could help?

Thanks very much -
Ken Brack
629) Thomas R. Lepre 
Ocean Springs, MS Location
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Wednesday, July 3, 2013 10:36 Write a comment Send E-mail

My father was Thomas C. Lepre a proud member of the 11th Armored. He is now joined after a long absence by his his wife and my mom, as she passed away in Feb. My mom always wanted me to take a tour of where my father went with the 11th. I am planning a European tour and wish to include the areas my father spent time. Any suggestions would be helpful and God Bless you wonderful guys
628) Joseph Kent 
Cape Cod United States Location
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Sunday, June 23, 2013 17:58 Write a comment Send E-mail


Does anyone remember a LT Harry O Doty?
627) Johannes Heidecker 
Praha Location
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Sunday, June 9, 2013 12:17 Write a comment Send E-mail

Dear all, does anyone knew Robert "Bob" Fleury from the 11th? He is told to have been with a reconaissance unit. He was one of the troops "occupying" my grandfathers farm in Weng near Admont/Austria and they became friends. He even visited them "as his second family" when he was in Munich before going back to the US, and he visited us later. Unfortunately, we have lost all contact, his last address is California.

One of his farewell gifts to a 15year old girl was a patch of the 11th.

I would be interested which unit he was in, and if there are any more memories about him.

We do have pictures.
626) Dave Clark 
United States Location
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Wednesday, May 22, 2013 12:48 Write a comment Send E-mail

Just an FYI, Harry "Bill" Lawser is alive and well in Lombard, IL.
625) Rebekah Miller-Levy 
Stephenville, Texas Location
IP logged Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; CPU iPhone OS 6_1_3 like Mac OS X) AppleWebKit/536.26 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/6.0 Mobile/10B329 Safari/8536.25
Friday, May 17, 2013 22:39 Write a comment Send E-mail

I would very much like to communicate with anyone who remembers my grandfather, Michel Levy. I know he was a Captain and often went by Mike.
624) Ronald Beedy 
Turner,Maine Location
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Wednesday, April 17, 2013 20:33 Write a comment Send E-mail

My uncle Clayton Beedy was KIA in Belgium December 30,1944 while serving in Troop B,41st Cavalry Recon,11th Armored Div. Would like to hear from anyone connected in any way with him or might have a photo. Having served in the 25th Nam I also wore a lighting bolt.
623) webmaster 
IP logged Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; rv:20.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/20.0
Saturday, April 6, 2013 13:01 Write a comment Send E-mail

(623) test message to check database 5 upgrade
622) James Fagan 
New Jersey Location
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Sunday, March 31, 2013 15:19 Write a comment Send E-mail

Hello everyone, I am trying to find out more about my grandfather. He past away in 1966 when my mother was only 13 years old. I have his uniform and dis-charge papers. But would like some more info, if anyone knew him.

He had three girls, and never spoke of the war with anyone.

I know limited info about him, He was s/sgt Fritz Witkiewicz. 11th Armored, 42nd Tank bat. I do not know which company. He was wounded in the Ardennes, Jan 15th 1945, and recieved the purple heart. He had been with the 42nd since its formation. Joined the national guard after the war.
Born and raised in New Jersey.

If anyone knew the man, Me and my mother would love to hear. Thank you.
621) Kurt Fasching 
IL Location
IP logged Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; rv:19.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/19.0
Wednesday, March 13, 2013 00:24 Write a comment Send E-mail


My grandfather was Sgt Joseph Sweeney, 11th Armored, 41st Recon Squadron, B Troop.

I have many photos of his that were state side before the 11th went overseas. If you are interested, please send me a message.

I was also honored enough to attend a reunion a few years ago in Chicago where I had the opportunity to talk to Don Behm and George Sherman, who were replacements just before the Battle of The Bulge. I spoke with both of these men for a few hours and was just beside myself as they told me their experiences throughout the war. I was amazed to find that Don was the tank commander that "bumped" the gates of Mauthausen open when it was liberated.

I also met James Lichman who was a survivor of Mauthausen and now great friends with both Don and George.

Thank you all for everything you sacrificed. We can never repay you for the things you endured to help free this world of such an unspeakable evil.
Thank you again.

Dale Burgard Send E-mail Tuesday, February 13, 2024 22:28
My Father was Clyde Burgard, 11th Armored, 41st Reconnaissance Squadron, Mechanized. He told me he was in the first group to liberate Mauthausen. He spoke very little about his war years, but he was a Sergeant Major, did mapping, was in the Bulge, and sent south to the Mediterranean afterwards to ship out. This is where they came upon the concentration camp. There is a photo credit with his name on it at the Holocaust Museum (can be found online). This would be great to confirm as we are just putting bits of information together.
620) David Shepherd 
NY/USA Location
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Sunday, February 24, 2013 13:56 Write a comment Send E-mail

I am attempting to find a contact for Roger Marquet. In my search I have found that he adopted a site at the Henri-Chappelle which is my Great Uncle. Any info would be greatly appreciated. The current email on the web is no longer valid.
619) Randall Petersohn 
Lombard, IL Location
IP logged Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; MSIE 10.0; Windows NT 6.2; WOW64; Trident/6.0)
Monday, February 18, 2013 11:56 Write a comment Send E-mail

To vets and family of vets. I just wanted to say hello since I check out this site every few weeks, more lately since I have really been missing my dad LeRoy. This is the first message I have left though and I am so glad to see it still in use. I really miss the reunions and regret not having gotten involved with the 11th much sooner.
I hope this message finds everyone in good health and take care. Thank you for your service.

dan dempsey Send E-mail Tuesday, February 19, 2013 08:45
I too wish they would have a reunion every once in a while. I realize most of the vets are gone but it seems now that they are gone the families realize they know very little about what their father, grandfather did in the war. this would be one way of face to face connection and sharing the precious information that we have.
618) Bambi Freeman 
Shrewsbury, PA Location
IP logged Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; MSIE 9.0; Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; Trident/5.0; FunWebProducts)
Saturday, February 16, 2013 12:53 Write a comment Send E-mail

I am looking for any information on Ottis Perry. He was my father. He never talked of his war days and I am trying to find out any details as to what he experienced during his days with the 11t Armored Division. Thank you!!!
617) Dale Zanardelli 
IP logged Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; rv:18.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/18.0
Saturday, February 16, 2013 11:46 Write a comment Send E-mail

This is a test message to verify our PHP 5.4 upgrade and the new version of our Guestbook now installed.
616) Susan Hooper 
Harrisburg, Pennsylvania Location
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Thursday, January 31, 2013 00:30 Write a comment Send E-mail

Dear Dan O'Brien: This is an extremely belated thank you for your wonderful response to my query about my father, Henry L. Hooper. (See #590 in June 2012.) I confess that I checked this site sporadically shortly after I posted my query and then completely forgot to check for several months after that. I was speechless (with pride) when I finally saw your response. We celebrated the centennial of my father's birth on 1/25/13, and your information really helped my brother and me tell our father's story to my nephews, ages 14 and 17, who never had the chance to meet him. I did wonder what "Company Commander of Headquarters Company" means. Could you shed any additional light, if you have a chance? Thank you again so much for everything you do to maintain this website and keep alive the memory of these courageous men (and women, if there were any!). With my very best wishes, Susan Hooper

Dan O'Brien Wednesday, February 6, 2013 19:17
Dear Susan:
During overseas deployment, the 11th Armored Division was first commanded by Brigadier General Charles S. Kilburn. In March, 1945, he was replaced by Major General Holmes E. Dager, who served as Division Commander until the Division was disbanded in Austria August, 1945. The Division Commander and his staff were served and supported by an administrative unit which was designated as Division Headquarters Company. Captain Henry L. Hooper was in command of that unit. I know this sounds confusing, but I hope it helps.

615) Ronnie D Marable 
Round Rock, TX Location
IP logged Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; CPU iPhone OS 6_0_1 like Mac OS X) AppleWebKit/536.26 (KHTML, like Gecko) Versi
Friday, January 11, 2013 12:36 Write a comment

My father Davis Henry Marable was a member of the 11th Armour, and server at during the Battle of The Bulge. I am contacting you to let it be known that he passed away on January 6, 2013 in Tyler. Tx.
614) McKnight 
IP logged Mozilla/5.0 (iPad; CPU OS 6_0_1 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/536.26 (KHTML, like Gecko) CriOS/2
Friday, January 4, 2013 05:05 Write a comment Send E-mail

My grandfather was in 41st (company D).

Was named glen or frank McKnight

Want to know what kind of man he was. Please email with info
613) Beth Simon 
Franconia, NH Location
IP logged Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.0; WOW64; rv:17.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/17.0
Wednesday, December 26, 2012 10:29 Write a comment Send E-mail

(613) Lieutenant Colonel,Harry J. Simon, 94 yrs old, passed away at home in Teaneck, NJ surrounded by his family on Saturday, November 24th 2012. He is survived by his wife Eleanor Simon, his three children and two grandchildren. During WWII he was in the 11th Armored Division and took part in the Battle of the Bulge, European Theater and liberator of Mauthausen in Austria. While he did not talk much of his war experiences, in later years he enjoyed going to Army Reunions and telling stories.
612) Neil Fleeman 
IP logged Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; MSIE 9.0; Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; Trident/5.0)
Saturday, December 22, 2012 23:27 Write a comment Send E-mail

We are trying to find anyone that could provide any information about my wife's great uncle Willie Lane (no middle initial) who was in the 11th Armored Division and died March 5, 1945 near Remagen, Germany. He was from Mt. Olive, Wayne County, NC and was 23 years old when he was KIA.

Willie Lane was buried in Mt. Olive, NC and his headstone lists the following: SGT MP PLAT, 11th Armored Division. I assume his body was returned after the war and we are doing research now to locate a possible obituary . He was never married and except for 3 or 4 nieces and great nieces like my wife everyone has died. His last sibling, his sister, passed some years ago. My wife's mother is close to 80 and remembers him in uniform when she was a little girl. She is his oldest remaining relative still living. She has a younger sister who was named Willie for him. Due to health and age she and her sister would like to find any information anyone might have on SGT Willie Lane. He enlisted at Ft. Bragg, NC in August 1940. NC state records show him as KIA and with a rank of PVT. We have not yet requested any possible records from the National Personnel Records Center.

We would appreciate any help or contact help who knew him or contacts. Thanks
611) Neil Fleeman 
IP logged Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; MSIE 9.0; Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; Trident/5.0)
Saturday, December 22, 2012 23:03 Write a comment

Help locating information on SGT or PVT Willie Lane in 11th Armored Division, Germany.
610) Kevin McKenzie 
Texas Location
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Wednesday, December 19, 2012 10:09 Write a comment Send E-mail

(610) Am looking for info/memories from anyone who may have known Lt. Robert (Bob) Anschutz, 11th AD from Feb-May 1945. Also what unit he was with... my records show the 41st Tank Btn. Thank you vets for your service.
Aiken, SC Location
IP logged Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.11 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/23.0.1271.97 Safar
Sunday, December 16, 2012 17:13 Write a comment Send E-mail

To all the surviving members of the 11th:

May God bless you and yours with a very Blessed Christmas and a prosperous New Year!

Marvin Bishop
(son of Pfc James. M. Bishop, A21AIB
DOW, 4-24-45, Tittling, Germany)
608) Seth Nelsen 
Cudahy, Wisconsin Location
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Friday, December 7, 2012 17:35 Write a comment Send E-mail

Okay there is a few things i would like to say about Tracy's post. One thing is that he was taken prisoner on December 24, 1944. He never did talk about it but who would. She is my cousin so that is why i know her. My great-grandpa were very close and If she is going to post something she should at least make it right. The one thing that I know is that he said that they had him lined up to be shot but they let him go and he did not know why.HE also came out 80 lbs. Thank you for reading this if you do.

Tracie McGuire Send E-mail Monday, April 21, 2014 17:57
I did get the year wrong. That was a simple mis-typing but the other information of what I typed is correct. My dear cousin, Seth, you are right, the Germans did line up Grandpa (and his men) and pointed his own tank right at them. But a German officer came quickly and said not to shoot them, they were taking them as POWs instead. So, he was not "let go" as you claim. What you don't know is that at the time he was found by the Germans it was widely known that the Germans were not taking prisoners. Grandpa did share stories with some of us and your cousin, Jeff, had the honor of being the one who Grandpa shared the day he was captured with. It is an amazing and faith inspiring story! Be proud of your Great-Grandpa...He was an amazing man who did incredibles things during the war but even more so after the war! God bless!
607) John Wastle 
Scotland Location
IP logged Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; rv:16.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/16.0
Tuesday, November 27, 2012 06:17 Write a comment Send E-mail

I wonder if you could post this request on your visitors page. There is a Facebook Group called.... GI & Family International Search, currently with 240+ members, worth joining to help others search for lost family.

This Facebook Group has quite a few researchers and helpers in the UK, Europe, USA and Canada that are helping others around the world who are searching
for their GI Dad and the siblings their GI Dad left behind.

Because of the privacy that surrounds people's searches, the group goes to some length to try and maintain its members safety and security and try and
stop those from joining who may have other ulterior motives.

Should you wish to join this group, you can go to the Facebook Group... GI & Family International Search, and join there. Alternatively you can also find us on

Where you can read about the Facebook Group and where there is a direct Facebook link to the Group where you can apply to join.

The Group does not use pseudonyms within the group, members need to know who they are conversing with. The use of this approach is again to help ensure
that the security, privacy and safety of our members is maintained.

TRhanks John.
606) michael a lisa jr 
rutherford new jersey Location
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Monday, November 26, 2012 20:34 Write a comment Send E-mail

my father was michael a lisa from hoboken nj he passed on oct 26th 2012 at 92 he served with the 11th armored 3rd army in ww2, he was a tanker but other then that i dont know much of what he did in europe, i dont even really know why in righting other then the fact im very proud of all our vets new and old, and my pop was a good man maybe some one can stear me in a direction where i could find out more about his service with the 11th.
605) Nigel Lewis 
United Kingdom Location
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Saturday, November 24, 2012 04:04 Write a comment Send E-mail

My Dad was 89 yesterday [Nov 23rd]. He was in the 11th Armoured Tank Division. Doesn't talk about the war a lot. His name is David Alexander Lewis from Kenfig Hill [Wales]. Known as 'Taf'. Lost his leg in 1944, thus ending his war. Does anyone remember him?
604) David 
Austria Location
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Tuesday, November 6, 2012 02:26 Write a comment Send E-mail

i wrote with great interest the Story about

but i dont find "Semling" in austria.
Which location should this bee?
best wishes

Dan O'Brien Monday, November 19, 2012 17:18
I believe the name of the village is actually Sexling. It is near Rohrbach, Austria.
603) Donna Kaul 
Sabetha, KS 66534 Location
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Saturday, October 27, 2012 14:30 Write a comment Send E-mail

My Dad, Jack Ray, was a tank mechanic with the 11th armored division during WWII. He died in 2003 at the age of 85. I have recently found pictures of him with the division and other memorabilia from his service. I am happy to find this site in hopes of gathering more information.
602) David Owen Ravicher 
N. Cali Location
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Saturday, October 27, 2012 13:56 Write a comment Send E-mail

Would love to find a pick of my grandfather, Dave Ravicher, I believe he was a medic for the 11th that died at the Battle of the Buldge - any stories of him, how he actually died, to meet his friends, anything really is better than what I have of him now.

David Block Send E-mail Tuesday, August 13, 2024 19:26
Hi David, David Ravicher was my great uncle. I was named after him. My mom is Estelle, who is daughter of Fannie Dentz (Ravicher), David's brother. I don't have any additional information, but was talking with my mom I just started searching on Google, and came across this board.

David Block Send E-mail Tuesday, August 13, 2024 19:31
Hello David. I don't have any additional information, but David Ravicher was my great uncle. I'm son of Estelle who is daughter of Fanny Dentz (Ravicher), David's sister.
601) Shannon Quist 
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Saturday, October 20, 2012 23:18 Write a comment Send E-mail

Paul E. Pappalardo, 90, of Westminster, CO passed away on October 15, 2012. Born June 2, 1922 in New York, NY to Mary and Sylvestro Pappalardo, Paul graduated from Teaneck High School. He served in the US Army's 11th Armored Division, 56 Engineer Battalion, B Company as a Technician 5th Grade during WWII, traveling throughout the European Theatre. He returned home and married his sweetheart Connie Cavallaro on June 12, 1949. He worked for Local #825 as a heavy equipment operator until his retirement. Paul was a member of the Bergenfield Elks Lodge #1477 for many years. A resident of Bergenfield, NJ for 44 years he moved with his wife to Melbourne, FL to their dream home where they lived for 9 years until
Connie's passing in 2005. Paul is survived by his children, Richard (Aukje), Diane (Alan) and Susan (Gus) and 5 granddaughters Shannon, Tara, Liza, Kristina, and Jenna. He is preceded in death by his parents, his brother Frank and sister Rose, and survived by sister Angie and brother Joe. He will be buried at Saint Joseph's cemetery in Hackensack, NJ. En lieu of flowers a donation may be made to the Wounded Warrior Project in his memory.
600) Matthew Hobbs 
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Thursday, October 4, 2012 11:33 Write a comment Send E-mail

wink James marvin Hobbs my grandfather was the man!
599) Samantha Fitzgerald 
Auchy-les-Hesdin, France Location
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Wednesday, September 12, 2012 15:41 Write a comment Send E-mail

I knewmy grandfather was in the RA, a tank division during the war and that he served in Gibralta, Holland, Germany and^possibly Russia but I recently learned that he was at Belsen as part of the liberation and may have been in the 11th. I would dearly love to find out if this is true but have no idea how to find out. I have ordered his service record but have been told this could take up to a year to receive. Can someone advise me how to research this. My grandfather was Charles George Taylor born 1912 and died 1949.

Dan O'Brien Friday, October 19, 2012 20:15
Thank you for your contact. The roster of the 11th Armored Division Assoc. shows two Charles Taylors. One, whose home was listed as Santa Barbara, CA. was assigned to Headquarters Battery of the 492nd Armored Field Artillery Battalion. The other one was from LaCrosse, WI. He was assigned to Company C of the 81st Medical Battalion.
598) Deloitte Beatty 
Colorado springs co Location
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Monday, September 10, 2012 21:23 Write a comment Send E-mail

Seeking anyone who served with Lloyd Beatty 753 tank battalion I know it has been a long time but some one is out there
597) Dawn Bechtel Conder 
Shelbyville Illinois Location
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Thursday, September 6, 2012 07:21 Write a comment Send E-mail

On Sept 7th 2012, in Decatur Il, they will finally be dedicating the WWII memorial. My Grandfather, Sgt. John R. High was in the 11th armored div in WWII. He passed away in 1993. He was the kindest, gentlest man I have ever known. A wonderful Grandfather, who taught his grand daughter how to shoot, fish, camp and swim.I never heard a harsh word from him. If anyone has any information about his yrs. in the service, I would love to hear it. He never talked about the war, except once, when I was about 7yrs old and was watching "Hogans Heros". He walked thru the room, snorted, and said "We only wished the germans were that stupid." And that was that. I love you Grandpa, thanks for everything. Dawn
596) Carol Farmer 
Michigan Location
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Sunday, August 5, 2012 10:21 Write a comment Send E-mail

My grandfathet Wilmer Farmer. I have picture of of all of Co. 'B' 6th Amored Replacement Battalion written on bottom also written Capt. F. R. Fleming Comdg. My grandfater didnt stay in tank division my father said he went ahead of troops to scout out enemy. He past away 5 years ago at 89. He didnt talk about war with me except once. He said "there are things no one should see!"
595) Stan Lefton 
Homer Alaska Location
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Sunday, August 5, 2012 06:35 Write a comment Send E-mail

My father Sgt. Murray Lefkowitz, served with the 81st Med. Bat. Co.C as a medic, and interpreter. Aug. 21 2012 I will visit Mauthausen,Attersee, and Bertchesgarden,to honor his memory, and those he served with.
594) Dwight T Nickell, Jr 
Del City, Oklahoma Location
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Tuesday, July 10, 2012 17:36 Write a comment Send E-mail

My Dad's name was Dwight T Nickell, Sr.
He was assigned to 11th Armored Div
Company Command A
Trying to find anyone in the same unit that knew my Dad. He never talked a lot about his experiences during the war but did open up to me after I had return from my tour in Vietnam as I had some problems. He was a very caring Father and GrandPa. He is missed. frown

Dan O'Brien Monday, July 30, 2012 17:07

Your Dad was assigned to the Headquarters of Combat Command A. Combat Commands in armored divisions were the equivalent of regiments in infantry divisions. The organization was somewhat flexible, but generally consisted of one infantry battalion, one artillery battalion, one tank battalion, and supporting units. You may be proud of your Dad's service, and of his part in bringing freedom to Europe.

Pam Magee Send E-mail Sunday, January 26, 2014 14:02
My dad also served in 11th Armored Div, Company A. He was Lois W. Magee. He was from Snyder, OK. Lived in OKC. He is deceased but I do have info regarding his service.
593) Donna Aumann Cooper 
Maryville, TN 37804 Location
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Tuesday, July 10, 2012 06:44 Write a comment Send E-mail

(593) This is a picture of my Father, 1st Lieutenant Herbert M Aumann. Served in the 11th Armored Division 491st Field Artillery Battalion. He passed away in 2006. He is so very missed and so very loved. I have found out more about his service to our country since he has passed away, and sad that my Dad never shared much about his experiences in WWII. I have so many questions I'd love to ask him now, many I will never know the answers to. He was a hero.
592) Anne Sluppick 
Prairie Grove, AR Location
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Monday, June 11, 2012 17:04 Write a comment Send E-mail

The photo on the website that William (Bill) Pawlo submitted of the 42nd Tank B Co., 11th Armored Division Camp Barkeley, Texas 1943, has my Dad, Robert Kinsley, in it. He is in the top row, 9th from the left.
591) Jan-Ruth Mills 
Tucson, AZ Location
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Tuesday, June 5, 2012 17:39 Write a comment Send E-mail

Hello and thank you for your wonderful Website. I always learn something from a visit here and am always humbled and grateful for your service and sacrifice. Sincerely, Jan-Ruth Mills
590) Susan Hooper 
Pennsylvania Location
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Monday, June 4, 2012 20:48 Write a comment Send E-mail

My father, Henry L. Hooper, served in World War II in Europe, and I believe he was in the 11th Armored Division because of the shoulder patch I have from his uniform. He passed away in 1983, but while my brother and I were children he told us some stories of his experiences in the war. I believe he trained in Louisiana and/or Texas before being sent to Europe, and at some point he achieved the rank of captain. As I recall he explained that the key work of his unit (perhaps "unit" is not the proper term) was to blow up bridges to prevent the Germans from advancing. I know this is a simplification, however; he never spoke of the terrors of the war in his stories. Could you tell me how I might find more information on his service during WWII? I am just beginning my search. In any case, thank you so much for this wonderful and informative site! Best, Susan Hooper

Dan O'Brien Wednesday, June 20, 2012 18:27

Your father, Henry L.Hooper, was Company Commander of Headquarters Company of the 56th Armored Engineer Battalion, 11th Armored Division. Among the skills the battalion possessed was demolition of bridges and fortifications. It was also equipped to repair or construct bridges, locate and remove mines, road blocks, or other obstructions that slowed or stopped the advancement of troops.

Dan O'Brien
Co. A,56th Armored Engineer Bn.
Web Site Editor
589) Kyle Kreider 
Muncie,Indiana Location
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Monday, May 28, 2012 16:08 Write a comment Send E-mail

Hello! My Grandfather Ralph Ray passed away July 2010 US Army veteran 575th Company C AAA 11th armored division Thunderbolts I believe. He was in the battle of the buldge and I have a few pics of the war and the men of Company C I could share and I would also love any stories/information on Company C and or my grandfather smile
588) Fran?ois 
Strasbourg, France Location
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Tuesday, May 22, 2012 14:11 Write a comment Send E-mail

I wanted to thank and pay my respect to Lieutenant Howard W. Decker from the 11th Armored Division who saved the french alsacians "malgr?-nous" who were forced to join the german army to save their families and themselves.

My grand father was saved by Lt. Howard and he is 90 years old now. Thanks to you and to your family.
587) Sheila DeJarnett 
Winslow, Indiana Location
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Monday, May 21, 2012 15:15 Write a comment Send E-mail

(587) Here is a photo in steel pot of my father Ronald Corn, 575th AA Field Artillery, attached to 11th Armoroed Division during the period Fall abour November 1944 to end of the European campaign. Looking for anyone with photos or info from this unit. Great site!
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