Name | Comments | ||||||||
Hello. I am the grand daughter of Nelson Sommerlad and was wondering if any of you had a picture or information about him. Thank you so much.
Hi I'm looking for anyone who may have known my grand father he was with the 11th armored div. his name was William k Cherico people called him bill or billy. Any info would help thank you.
My father was Lt.Malcolm M. Ricks. My father recieved a letter from one of the other men, in the 11th, in the mid 90s thanking him for not allowing the tanks to fire into the night. They'd seen movement in the trees and thought it might be German soldiers. My father wanted to make sure who it was before firing. Turned out it was a German family with several children. My father was always proud that they did not kill an innocent family. He passed away in 2002 and I looked for the letter he'd recieved from the soldier who'd written him. I never found the letter.
Just found your site. My father Kenneth Kacel was in the 575th of the 11th. I have such fond memories of many, many reunions he took me to. I was mesmerized by the stories you men told and still am.
My Father will be 90 years old April 12 th 2012. He is still telling stories of the times he had. Although, it was a war with great devastation it seems that the stories and pictures all have the men smiling and having a good time. As a birthday present to my Father I bought a brick at the local Veterans Memorial to honor his time in the 11 th armored division. Thank you for being such a big part of his life, my life and now my children's lives who relish in his stories and history. Good job on this site. I have many pictures and news articles I can add to your collection if you can let me know how to go about it. Karen McKenna |
Just stopped by to get educated. I served with Co C, 2nd Bn, 34th Armor in VN. Welcome Home Tankers
My dad was in the 11th Armored, not sure what part. He died in '83 at 66 years old. He was in on the liberation of a couple concentration camps, one was Mathausen, and Bergen-Belsen. He attended the Nuremburg Trials, brought home official listing of persons on trial. He stayed for a year of cleanup? duty with the quartermasters division.
11th Armored Division Veteran Darrell Romjue recently passed. His obituary is He was selected for video interview at the holocaust museum a few years ago, |
My grandfather Capt 'Blackie' Blackburn was commander A company, 56 Armored Engineer Battalion. I would appreciate hearing any stories about grandpa.
Battle of the Bulge Veterans Association Reunion in New Orleans, Sep 26-30, Many veterans who were in the Battle of the Bulge may wish to join their buddies who participated in the largest land battle the US forces had ever engaged in since Gettysburg.
THE BULGE VETERANS REUNION, NEW ORLEANS, LA, SEPT. 26-30, 2012 Contact Doris Davis 650-654-O1O1, email visit COL. DOUG DILLARD, US ARMY (R) EXECUTIVE VP, VBOB ASSOCIATION (301-262-2439) |
My uncle, Stan Weadley, served in B Troop, 41st CAV throughout the war. I would appreciate it greatly if anyone has any information about his time in service or any pictures that could be shared, in particular from the time of the Battle of the Bulge.
I'm looking for a veteran of the 11th Armored Division's Combat Command B (CCB). Thank you very much for your help. Uwe |
My father, Marvin E. Hopkins, first served as a clerk in the Eighth Air Force until he transferred into 55 Bn., 11th AD, where he served as an RTO and .50 cal machine gunner on a halftrack. I'd love to hear from anyone who remembered him or anyone else who transferred into the Division from somewhere else as to why they did. Thank you.
Grandfather - Dave Ravicher, medic
looking for any information on a halftrack driver last names of Jone was in the 11th armored HQ drove with my Father Carleton Scott Jones was from Iowa would love to hear from any of his family thanks
Duane Mahlen, former President of the 11th Armored Division Association and veteran of Combat Command B Headquarters, suffered a stroke on Christmas Eve, December 24, 2011. He is recovering in LOng Bearch Memorial Medical Center, Room 134 B, 2801 Atlantic Ave. Long Beach CA 90806, Ph.(562) 933-2000. Duane will appreciate hearing from his buddies and friends.
This is a picture of Robert Sandor, Sr. from Greenwich, Ct who served in WWII in Linz, Austria. I am trying to find out whether or not he was in this division. If you recognize this picture or know someone who knew him, please contact me. Thank you. His daughter. PS: Dad passed away in 1991. |
Hello to all veterans of the 11th Armored Division. I'm writing a book about the U.S. Army chaplains who ministered to the 21 major Nazi war criminals during the Nuremberg trials. One of those chaplains - Father Sixtus Richard O'Connor - served with the 11th before his Nuremberg assignment after the war. I'm looking for anyone who may have memories of serving with Father O'Connor. Please email me if you can help. Thanks!
My father Forrest Dempsey served in Co C 42nd Tank Bn, would like to hear from relatives of men who served in the company. I am writing a tribute to him about his War Years.
Hello All,
This is a message forwarding my new email address. In reference to message 508, I am still looking for anyone who may have any copies of ship newpapers from the 11th's voyage overseas on the Hermitage. My grandfather, Charles J. Hocker was on the Hermitage and I would like to read a newpaper..something he would have read while aboard the ship. I am also looking for anyone who has or may know someone who has Division boxing pictures. My grandfather was a boxer (champion caliber)and to locate a picture of him in the ring or a group photo (stateside) would be great. Many Thanks Bob Clemens |
I wanted to inform anyone in the 705th that my Grandfather, who I consider an American Hero, passed away on November 5, 2011. He was 91 yrs old. He was in the 705th Tank Destroyers 11th Battalion, B Co. He fought in the Battle of the Bulge and was taken prisoner on Dec. 24, 1945. His love for God & a beautiful woman back home kept him going till he was liberated by the British on May 1, 1945. When he finally got home he quickly proposed to her & they remained together for 60yrs. He was blessed with 8 children, 18 grandchildren and 9 great-grandchildren. He rarely talked about his days in WWII but I do know he helped the 101st Airborne. Today is Veteran's Day and I would just like to say Thank You to all those who served our great country, the United States of America!
I am in search for donald a. cummings, Age 60 + - who in 1976 was stationed in Schweinfurt, Germany. He was a good friend of my mother and me. How can I find him. can someone help me there. His parents lived in aberdeen. Thanks for any help I can find here. Diana
I'm printing parts of your fine site to show my sedcond cousins what their Great-Grandad, Capt Donald W. Lainson did in WW2- They have no idea. He was my uncle and a great guy, but would not talk about the war until i came home fr4om Viet Nam in 66 and he and I with my Dad, career Army and SW Pacific went down to the rec room and had a few libations. Thanks for the use of your site
I am looking for any information on my grandfather Stanley Elzinga. All I know is that he served in the 11th Armored Division during WWII from Nov. 1944-Jan1945. He supplied ammuntion to the tank gunner is all the information I have. Please if anyone can help I would really appreciate it. Thank you
I'm looking for information on A Co., 21st AIB, and it's movements and actions on March 3rd, 1945, during which Pvt. Monroe Ulrich was fatally wounded.
My father, Jerome M. Goosman (entered the army from Connecticut), 41st Calvery Reconnaissance Squadron Mechanized (troop unknown), passed away in 1969 and rarely spoke of the war. I am reading again, after many decades, a book he owned titled The History of the Eleventh Armored Division (published in 1948). Brutal and stark indeed; brave men all. May those no longer with us rest in peace.
My Grandfather, Charlie Sylvis of Blair Nebraska was part of the very brave Company B, 21st Armored Infantry Battalion, 11th Armored Division
Very proud he was our Grandfather! died 1985 |
love you guys and pray for you and all service men and women Thank you
Loren Francisco (HQ, 56th Armored Engineer Battalion, 11th Armored Division) passed away on December 26,2008, at the age of 98. He was proud of his military service and loved his country.
My Uncle, Jim Cacioppo, was an M5 tank driver in the 11th Armored Div. and took part in the Battle of the Bulge. He was originally from Iowa but after the war he became an electrical engineer with NASA for 33 years at Langly Field outside of Newport News, VA. He was able to go to the reunion in Bastone and spoke with the girl from the home they were bivwaked with in 1944. The girl remember the group and was very greatful for their presence in 1944. His one story of the Bulge was being next to a Tiger with the M5's one track blown off. Only being able to do circles around the Tiger and his barrel trying to catch the M5, they were doomed until a GI ran up with a grenade and dropped it down the hatch of the Tiger. They were never able to thank the GI that saved their lives.
My father, Joe Jaszczak, was in the 42nd Tank Battalion I believe. His wifes name was Marie and he called Ironwood, MI his home. Did anyone out there know him? He passed away 1972 and I was just curious.
An aquantince stopped me recently and said that his father was in a TD Bn. and the route it took into Austria seemed to parallel our route. Does anyone have any info on any TD outfit that may have been attached to the 11th? If so I'd appreciate hearing from you.
Carl w hatton passed 13 sept 2011 he was a member 427 tk reg he would tell storys of texas i have a picture of his plt not sure were but before they shiped out wiil post in time if anyone remember him he was born in ky drafted in Ind
Tonight on TV is the movie Battle of the Bulge and I think of my father who served with the 11th 491st AFA C Battery. I read other posts and my story is like theirs. He didn't talk about that part of his service until about two weeks before he passed. He told me of his feet being frozen and what they endured that winter. I never complained of the cold again. We the "War Babies" owe them so much. I would love to hear from other children of the 11th especially anyone who had a parent who served in the 491st C Battery.
I am looking at having the 22nd Tankers unit insignia reproduced on a patch. However, I need to order a large number of these patches and am wondering if anyone would be interested in purchasing one. Trying to find a reason to submit the order. Let me know if you may be interested.
14 April 2011, Elmer I. Hansen passed away in his home. He passed in his sleep at peace with his God and the world. He goes to join his wife Verla and son Tom who preceeded him in death. He served in Company C 55th AIB. He was a TSGT and eventuallly a Master SGT before his discharge. He was a past President of the 11th AD Association. We talked from time to time about the Division and it's accomplishments during World War II. He was a proud member of the the 11th AD. He was my uncle and one of the main reasons I spent 41 years in the military. He was my hero. He will be missed by all of our family and his many friends. God Bless the Soldiers that served in the 11th.
I'm looking for information on A Co., 21st AIB, and it's movements and actions on March 3rd, 1945, during which Pvt. Monroe Ulrich was fatally wounded.
John L Runckel, DMD formerly TSGT 11th Atmored Division, Bonze Star with V, multiple purple hearts,Combat Medic Badge died at the end of February 2011. At his bedside during the last hours of his life he was remembering the unit, the war,and caring for the victims of the concentration camp.He still loved the men of the 11th Armored and hated the war. Gid Bless You All!
Sargent Olaf M. Bjaland
of the 11 Armored Division passed away April 23, 2009 at the age of 91 He was preceded in death by his wife of 49 years on August 14, 2008 at the age of 91 |
Great Site. Doing family research and have a Great Uncle, James Karasek who was with the 42nd Tank Batt, Company D. He was awarded the Silver Star in action on Jan. 1, 45 and was wounded on Jan 15, 45. Would like to hear from anyone who knew him and served with him. I am seeking any photographs of Company D, tanks from Company D and a any photo's of James. I am a retired USAF Firefighter. Thank you in advance
Dear all,
I'm looking for Mr. William Hartman. I met him and his daughter (Marta ? )in May 2010 (in Linz and Mauthausen) and I lost there adress. It would be nice to find each other. friendly regards from Austria Waltraud Lechthaler |
Sehr geehrte Herren,
bitte entschuldigen Sie dass ich in deutsch schreibe. Mein Englisch würde nicht ausreichen um Ihnen mein Anliegen vorzutragen. Seit mehreren Jahren beschäftige ich mich mit der Geschichte meines Heimatortes Hauswurz, besonders mit der Zeit des Zweiten Weltkrieges. Hauswurz wurde am 31. März 1945 von den Panzern der 11th Armored Division zu großen Teilen zerstört nachdem deutsche Truppen eines der amerikanischen Fahrzeuge beim Einfahren in den Ort zerstört hatten. Dabei kamen die Insassen des Fahrzeuges ums Leben. Es wäre mir nun sehr wichtig zu erfahren wer diese Männer waren welche an diesem Tag gewissermassen auch für meine Freiheit ihr Leben gaben. Nachdem ich 1995 ein Heft über die Vorgänge dieses 31.März 1945 in meinem Heimatort herausgegeben habe möchte ich versuchen auch diesen Amerikanern hier am Ort ihres Todes ein würdiges Andenken zu bewahren. In der Hoffnung dass Sie meine Gründe für diese Anfrage verstehen können würde ich mich freuen von Ihnen zu hören Stefan Leinweber -----Internet Translation----- Dear Sirs, please excuse that I write in German. My English was not sufficient to carry forward my request to you. For several years I am working on the history of my hometown (Hauswurz), especially during the Second World War. (Hauswurz) on 31 March 1945 the tanks of the 11th Armored Division largely destroyed after German troops had destroyed one of the American vehicles when entering the site. Here were the occupants of the vehicle were killed. I would be very important now to know who these men which to some extent on that day for my freedom gave their lives. After I published in 1995 a booklet about the events of that March 31, 1945 in my hometown I would also like to try those Americans here at the place of their death to maintain a dignified remembrance. In the hope that you can understand my reasons for this request I would love to hear from you
I'm wondering if anybody would have any information on my Grandpa, Harland Zeller. He was in company C of the 22nd tank batallion from 1943 to 1945.
Just a note to say my father, Richard "Shaggy" Bell passed away last May after a short illness. He spoke of the war rarely, usually in the context of stuff he did that got him in trouble, but occasionally seriously. I had the pleasure of buying him a beer at The Bunch of Grapes in England in 1970.
My uncle, Alfred O'Brien, was with the 81st Medical Battalion at Neufchateau. He died from non-combat injuries on 28 Jan. 1945. I am interested in finding out information relative to his service and death and contacting anyone who may have served with him.
Thanks very much |
My dad was in the eleventh,William R. Crouch,he died before I was born in the 1966 tornado that hit Topeka,Ks.Just wondering if anyone new him is still out there or a relative that might have heard of him.I would really like to know more about the division and the people who served in it and their family and friends that could share some stories.Thank you
I am a cousin of 1st/Sgr. Daniel H. Boon,Naples,Texas Co.B 22nd. I visited with him while I was at Ft.Lewis,Wa. in 1967. He was an avid horseman & farrier. Any info on him ould be appreciatted. PS-- He was with the unit that took the Walther Pistol Factory.
My dad, Robert Reasoner, from Indiana, served with the 713th Tank Bn Flamethrower Provisional on Okinawa. He was in the service company and he was an amorer. Just looking to see if anybody out there might remember him. Thanks to all for their service.
Mike Reasoner
Lt. Alden C. Harwell, B Co, 55th AIB, 11th AD, was my uncle. He was 3rd of 4 children. My father, William H. :Tass" Harwell, was the 4th and youngest. In the left photo, l to r: Tass, Blanche, Bess, and Alden. Blanche was the oldest. The right photo shows Alden with his wife, Lema. Alden, my dad, and several of their friends in Poplar Bluff, Missouri, joined the Army together in June 1942. Alden was the only one who returned. He sustained a severe knee injury during an attack in the latter half of Feb 1945, and was eventaully shipped home.
Hawrin Morgan Wright served in company C of the 63 Amored Batallion of the 11th Armir division looking for combated.
A friend of mine mailed me this story. Maybe some of you now him..His name was George Claflin. I just want to let you know this 11th armored veteran died saturday the 11th of december.. he was so close and so exited about getting the france medal....... RIP...and thank you for what you did to free the world from terror... |
My father, Charles Fliederbaum, passed away on December 7, 2010. Dad served with Company A of the 81st Armored Medical Battalion after his ASTP assignments at the University of Illinois and the University of Oregon. Dad was a fiercely proud Thunderbolt who devoured every bulletin and publication. His family would appreciate hearing from anyone who knew him.
My grandfather, Ernest "Bud" Cox drove a flame throwing tank in WWII over in the Pacific. From this picture he gave me, he was in Company A. I am so proud of him and all the other men from the greatest generation, I have a company picture I scanned 713th Company A, as well as pics of his tattoo Also, he got a tattoo on his forearm along with 4 other guys in Hawaii before they shipped over to the Pacific to fight, and as a tribute to him, I got a recreation of his tatt. We both reside here in Wichita, KS. He is 86, and a little hard of hearing. I enjoy sitting down with him to talk about the war. Any other information you have about their battles, any pictures you have, I would love to share. Here is his email: Thanks, Chad Cox 316-250-0544 |
In Memory of my dear uncle, PFC John "Harold/Bud" Patrick, who passed away on November 17, 2010. He was a life-long resident of Winder, Georgia. He served in Company C 21st Armored Infantry Battalion, 11th Armored Division, serving in The Battle of the Bulge and the liberation of the Mauthausen Concentration Camp. Purple Heart, Bronze Star, and Good Conduct Ribbon among other recognition. Buried at Barrow Memorial Gardens in Winder, Ga. I have collected some of his stories as have other family members. He remembered one friend, of Italian descent, who was killed at his side in action (around April 1945). Named Imadino. (Not sure of the exact name/spelling but should be similar). Would like to hear from his family or anyone who knew my Uncle Harold/Bud.
Hello, I am so excited to find your website tonight and read it from front to back to find information about a medical person or a doctor who had been(believe in spring of 1945) with his unit in Nussdorf a. Attersee, Austria. At that time I was 3 years old and lived there with my mother Annemarie Schrage, a sister, and a brother. We were evacuated during the war from Germany to Nussdorf. I was told that I had been very, very ill and the American soldier by the first name "Ted" had saved my life, because he had the right medication I needed. We children called him "Uncle Ted". It is sad that I don't know his last name. All my life I wished to meet "My American Hero" to thank him and to let him know my appreciation. Hopefully someone knows him or of him and can help me. I don't know much about him, just the story I have been told for many years. He also gave us a patch of the "11th Armored Division" which is lying next to me while I write. In great appreciation and in the hope someone can be of help. Baerbel Schrage Coulson. PS. I do live now in Arizona.
My father, Sol N. Goldberg passed away on 11-9-10 at the age of 94. He was in the service at Fort Knox at age 29 in Company A 11th Armored Replacement Battalion under Lt. Fitzgibbon and a T/Sgt Mooney in 1945. If anyone can share any information I would greatly appreciate it!
My father is Roger F. Keller, Jr.
He served w/ 22nd Tank Batallion in the 11th. He was severly wounded on 1-1-1945. He returned to the U.S.A. and recovered with the care offered by the U.S. Army at W.R.A.M.C. God Bless the U.S.A. Respectfully, Brian Keller |
Just wanted to send a note of thank you to those that served with my 2 great-uncles, William and Henry Warcken, on this Veterans Day. Thank you for your sacrifice and commitment to this country. Thank you, thank you, thank you.
My grandfather was in the 11th but that is all I know of his service time.He has passed on and I can no longer ask him.His name is Richard Einar Lortie if anyone can tell me more about him where he served what he did I would appreciate it.
Looking to get in contact with my fathers best bud in 11th. Ross Snowdon of Madrid, New York. the phone number I looked up is not in service.
Oly's daughter Linda. |
Looking for info on Arthur R. Frederick. Wounded in Battle of Bulge. Was from Chicago and moved to Cincinnati, OH. Any info will be greatly appreciated.
490th AFA Battery C - If anyone recognizes any of the men in this photo please reply. Dumah Ray Riggs is the one sitting on the very back of the "peep", highest in the photo. I like the guy crouched behind the wheel on the far right with the grease gun. He looks serious. My wife said he's trying to look sexy hahaha, I said welp, he's doin it right. What a bunch of ass kickers!
490th AFA Battery C. Cpl. Dumah Ray Riggs was in this outfit in the war. I want to find anyone who can help me connect the dots. He was born in Upton, KY on April 30, 1922 and died on February 17, 2000 in Louisville, Kentucky. My name is Jason M. Riggs, proud grandson of another American hero. We have a responsibility to make sure we never forget.
I was researching my grandpa's history in WWII and this site was very informative. Wayne Stalcup is my grandpa and is 89 years old and doing great.
I recently came across a 1935 series one dollar silver certificate that had typing on it. On the front it says, " CO.C,778 Bn. A.P.O.403. 1st. Platoon " On the back is a list of 24 rank/names, many of which I read about on the history page on this website. If anyone has any info on this; why they did this, if it was common practice, etc., I would appreciate it.
I would love to hear from anyone who had a relative buried in a temporary cemetery in Grand-Failly France. The people there hold at least 3 ceremonies a year to honor our soldiers but did not have a list of the names. I was able to obtain copies of maps but they only contain the first initials, last name and serial number. I am making up a book for them with all the names and would like to be able to have more information on those who were buried there. I am doing this in honor and memory of my uncle, Oliver A. Simmers who was in the 21st Armored Infantry and was buried in Grand-Failly
I would like information about the 11th Armd Legacy group. If anyone has some info, please send it to this email address. Thankx )
Searching for information on 1st Lt. Burton G. Tousley of Gettysburg, SD. Killed on March 18, 1945 when his jeep hit a land mine
My father Dale J Hagen, a T-5 in the 11th Armored Division.
He is to be buried at Stockholm Lutheran Church Cemetary in Stockholm, Township Minnesota next Friday |
I had the great pleasure to spend about 20 minutes today with John Rastelli of Clarksboro NJ in Louisville KY at what he says will be the last reunion. I was at the hotel for another conference meeting and during a break took a look at the table of printed stories and struck up a conversation with him at the registration table.
It was a honor to spend some time with him and listen to his stories. My father-in-law served in the pacific. To all of you and those who serve today you have my families greatest thanks. |
I've recently began researching my fathers military service. He never talked much about the war when I was growing up. He passed away December 14, 1989, I was 16 at the time. I wish I had more time with him to learn more about his time in the war. I was recently able to get a copy of his discharge papers from my mother and they show that he was in the 490th Armored Field Artillery Battalion. His name was Alvin W. Lee. He was born in Manifold, PA but was residing in Washington, PA at the time he went into the service. If anyone has any information about him that would really be wonderful.
Thank you |
I am looking for someone that is related to Robert Snow from Maine. I have a friend that has the newspaper clipping from his death and a paper signed by President Roosevelt to him.
Just a friendly hello from Buret (Houffalize - Belgium) which was cleared from german troops on 21st january of 1945 at the end of the battle of the bulge by the 11st armored division. |
Like others I am seeking information on my father Reinhold O. Schneider. He would never share much about his WWII expirence, except that he was in the Battle of the Bulge and had his feet frozen for 3 months, that he was in the Thunderbolts, and that he had bee shot in the knee.
Daddy passed away in 1970 when I was only 16 so I never really took much interest in his past, with regards to his military service. Now, I would like to know as much as possible about his war expirence. If anyone can pass along information I'd so appreciate it. My dad was from Fon du Lac, WI. Thank you so much Vickie Johnson
I am looking for information on my father, Willie Macon Sanderson from Onslow County, NC and all I have is that he was PVT CO A 55th Infantry TNG BN WWII. I would love to hear from anyone who may have photos, information etc. Would love to have this knowledge for myself and to leave for my grandkids. I think he also had a nickname "Pete" not sure why. Any information would be greatly appreciated!!!
Thanks, Yvonne |
Does anyone have copies of any ship newspapers(i.e. Scuttlebut)for the Hermitage during its trip overseas ( September 29, 1944- October 10th, 1944)? Since my grandfather, Charles J. Hocker (Company B, 21st AIB) sailed on the Hermitage, I would like to read some ship news that he may have read while on board. Thank You Robert Clemens |
This is what is written on my Dad's Citation:
Private SAUL J. Disler, 313367507. Medical Detachment, 63rd Armored Infantry Battalion, 11th Armored Division, United States Army. For gallantry in action near Remagne, Belgium, in connection with military operations against an armed enemy of the United States. On 30 December 1944, while Company B 63rd Armored Infantry Battalion, to which he was attached, was advancing toward Remagne, Belgium, Private Disler observed that two tanks to his right front had been hit by enemy shell fire and were burning. With utter disregard of personal safety and with unflinching courage, he immediately moved through intense artillery fire toward the blazing tanks. Upon reaching them, he evacuated two members of the tank crews, rendered first aid and assisted the wounded men to the aid station. The disregard of personal safety and loyal devotion to duty displayed by Private Disler was in accordance with the highest traditions of the United States Army. Private Disler entered the military service from Massachusetts. Does anyone know who the men were that he evacuated from that tank? He is still around and telling WW2 stories. He doesn't see well enough to be on the computer but would love to speak to these men |
My grandpa served with the 11th armored A company. He served in Germany and Austria. I was wondering if anyone remembers him if not ok but if anyone does I would love to know more about him since he does not talk much about the war. I consider him and everyone who fought and gave their life my Heroes. So, any info would be greatly appreciated. His name is Rafael DeLaGarza.
I was wondering if anyone remembers my Uncle Bill "RED" Dunne from Brooklyn,NY? He was a tank mechanic & a pretty good bare knuckle fighter in his unit. He had 3 other brothers in the service, one killed while Bill was in the general area. Thanks alot, Ed Dunne EO1 Seabee, Ret. |
Hello all,
My Father, Herbert M Aumann was part of the 11th Armored Division. He passed away in October 2006. We have found among his belongings a Bronze Star, which he never spoke of. I've also recently read a book he had, I believe it came from a reunion, that says my Father was recommended to receive a "Croix de Guerre". Whether he actually received this I do not know. My Father rarely spoke of his time at war. I am sad to be finding out of his bravery after he has passed, but I am so very proud of him. If anyone remembers my Father, would you please contact me. Thank you so much, Donna Aumann Cooper
Is there someone on this site associated with the 276th Armored Field Artillery Battalion? If so, would you please contact me.
Thank you Laird Palmer |
Hello, I joined the 11th armored chapter that meets in Newport beach CA. My great Uncle Robley C. Reher served in WWII. To preserve his memories as well as others in the group i have started interviewing and recording stories. I hope to one day incorporate my findings into my high school history classes. If you have any information to share with me about your family or have a family member who would like to be interviewd. Or would not mind being interviewed, please contact me via email at Cell # 909-993-4506 |
My dad was a member and proud to serve his country in the 11th Armored Division
Thunderbolt and this is in his memory Albert W. Steele. He was born in Ireland and came to the usa when he was 11 years old and never looked back from that day he landed in the us he was an american and fought for his country and believed in this country. God Bless Him Love you daddy. |
info on Leornard A. Dematteo
My father seved in tank div ww 2 flamethrower, his name was Leonard DeMatteo did any of you know him?
My heartfelt thanks to the 11th vets and their family members who were on a trip to Germany and Europe just recently, and held a commemoration service in the town of Tittling in honor of my father, PFC. James M. Bishop. My Dad was a rifleman in the 1st platoon, Co. A, 21 AIB, 11th AD. He died of wounds April 24, 1945 when he was shot off a vehicle and then run over by another vehicle, prob. a tank. He was buried in the yard of a home just outside the town, later disinterred and buried in the Nuremberg Cemetery.
The former mayor of Tittling, Hr, Herbert Zauhar, has been very helpful in my research of my Dad's death. May God continue to bless all the vets of WW II, and especially those of the 11th AD. |
To all the stalwart Soldiers of the 11th Armored Division, and all those who love them, wherever you may be today:
Heartfelt congratulations and deep thanks from those who wore the uniform after you -- on this 65th Anniversary of your Liberation of the death camp at Mauthausen! As we approach the anniversary of VE Day, hold your heads high. You will never be forgotten. You good and valiant men have written your names indelibly in the eternal history of free men! You left your homes and loved ones and traveled across the wide ocean -- and struggled and fought, successfully, to liberate a continent. May the Good Lord bless and keep each of you for all time. |
I am looking for the crewmen on my Dad's tank. SSgt Raymond Cohen was my Dad and Johnny latini was a driver of the tank, Sid Meyer, and Moreales are names that come to mind...if anyone knows if they are alive, I would love to talk with them.
Allen Cohen |
I am looking for anyone who has info, served with or knew Daniel Savage. He served in the 11th and fought at the Battle of the Bulge. He was my step-father in law and recently passed away. He never spoke of his time in the service and left me a poster of the 11th Armored Divisions Campaigns of World War 2.
I hope to hear from someone! Many thanks and God Bless our WW2 Veterans. |
On 8 May, 65th anniversary of the first link-up with the Russian Army by the U.S. Third Army.
When the 11th Armored arrived at the Demarcation line along the Inn River, the 41st Cav was sent to make contact with the Russians. It was needed some coordination between Armies to avoid friendly fire. On 8 May 1945 the 41st arrived at Amstetten among columns of retreating Germans. Some Russian planes dropped bombs in the town and Germans and Americans had to run for cover. Then, the first Russians arrived and the historical meeting took place. While the Allies celebrate the link-up some of the biggest German panzers went through Anstetten and run towards Strengberg trying to escape from the Soviet Army. The meeting was filmed, but the following day. The soldiers had to repeat the link-up until it looked nice to the cameraman. I would like to gather all the information related to the meeting, competition with other units to be the first, relations with the Russians or the mood in those days. If anyone is interested I will send him what I have found until now. Regards, Jabier |
Hello everyone!
My grandfather, Joseph Vreeman, was in the 11th armored 41 Calvary mechanized recon troop C division. I am really trying to find out more information about him. I have used the website to investigate as much as possible, but have been unable to dig up personal accounts. If anyone has more information about him please let me know!! Thanks again to all those vets out there who have given so much for our country. |
My mother's cousin , Ruben Kushner was a member of the 778th Tank Batt HQ company. He was killed on Dec 14, 1944. I am looking for anyone that may have known him or has information on the time spent at Camp Barkeley.
spouse of CHARLES HOCKER CO B 21st arm'd inf batt,11th AIF BATT 11th ARM'D DIV
I was wondering if anyone had any information on my Great-Uncle Joe Minnaugh. Any information would be greatly appreciated. I noticed his name mentioned in the story written by John Fague and was wondering if anyone could tell me more.
I've been trying to find any information about my grandfather Staff Sgt. John ("Johnny") F. Moore, HDQS Co. 55th AIB, 11th Armored Division. I really have very little to go on because he never discussed his time during WWII, but I have made copies of all surviving documents that my grandmother has. Luckily, I found this great website! And wouldn't you know it, the first article I printed out was Myron Nosanov's account of the war and he mentions "Sergeant Johnny Moore" several times. I'm SOOOO thankful for Mr. Nosanov and for him sharing his story. If anyone has any more information about my grandfather Johnny Moore, stories, photos, etc. Please let me know.
Even if it's the most minute information, please contact me. I would love to have some contact with anyone from Papaw's time. My email: OR Again, on behalf of my grandmother Ovilee, the rest of my family and myself, thank you. From the bottom of our hearts, thank you. |
I placed an article about Capt. Chester Doyle Wilkins, 41 HQ Company 41st Tankbattalion,on my site. He was KIA the 31th march 1945.
I am the granddaughter of Wayne Lee, who was 42TNK, Co. D. If anyone has any information to share, I'd appreciate the contact. Thank you.
I am looking for any information on my uncle, Harold Mixson, who served in the 11th Armored. I don't know what division, but he was from Alabama. Thanks so much and God bless all of you veterans.